
by The Wedding Standard

A Community That Starts with Mission

The Wedding Standard is ded­i­cated to bring to light all of the talented wed­ding artists and beautiful venues here in Cal­i­for­nia. We fea­ture wed­ding pro­fes­sion­als that are the best of the best, peo­ple who don’t just work for a pay­check, but who work for a love for their craft and the couples they serve. Artists inter­viewed here are those that don’t set­tle for medi­oc­rity in what they do, they see their busi­ness not only as a ser­vice but more impor­tantly as an art form. They are those who are pas­sion­ate about their craft and are rais­ing a stan­dard of excel­lence in the wed­ding industry. Other than having an online platform to showcase local talent, our community gets together regularly building friendship and synergistic relationships making us stronger and more collectively creative before and on the wedding day!


PASSION and EXCELLENCE are the core values of The Wedding Standard members. From this foundation everything grows. A person of passion works with a fire in their heart for doing their best work possible, while serving their couples with love, compassion and respect. Good enough is never enough. Greatness is the goal. In everything we do, in the way we work with others, in our branding and online presence.


Founder & People Person of TWS

I’ve been pho­tograph­ing wed­dings since I was not even old enough to have a glass of wine! For me pho­tog­ra­phy has been always been more of a call­ing than a occu­pa­tion. I’ve believed since the day I started my busi­ness that I was made to be a wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher. Being a dreamer by nature I pursued a career with passion and excellence for over 14 years! Along the way I've discovered a passion for helping others accomplish their goals and reach for their dreams, thus The Wedding Standard was born back in 2008. Since then it has been grown into something much bigger than me interviewing a few of my friends. If you're interested check out my wedding photography


Content & Community Manager

With a passion for detail, community and collaboration Alex loves bringing each piece of The Wedding Standard together. She has experience in events and marketing and as a result is a wedding connoisseur through and through. Insightful and in the know, she can recognize a stunning wedding to feature within a handful of images. She got married to the love of her life in San Luis Obispo in May of 2021. They had a provided their guests with a full SLO experience getting married at Mission San Luis Obispo with a reception to follow at downtown venue, The Penny.   


Marketing & Content Manager

Amelia is a blogger and marketing manager for The Wedding Standard as well as the founder of Mimi's Picnics - a luxury pop-up picnic service based in SLO County, and Amelia Grace Media - a social media agency. Amelia is a Cal Poly graduate that studied Experience Industry Management with a concentration in event planning, and has developed a career in the marketing and management of different events, services and brands along the Central Coast. The event industry has always been a passion of hers and she is so excited to bring light to the incredible community that is The Wedding Standard!